VoiceFit to Practise
An online course for speech and language therapists. Knowledge and skills training for the developing voice therapist
What's on offer?
Developing Voice Knowledge and Skills Competencies (V.2 updated 2023)
FREE PREVIEWVocal anatomy and physiology presentation 2023 - 45 mins
Vocal anatomy and physiology presentation slides
Vocal Anatomy quiz
ENT and diagnostic pathways presentation 2023 - 30 mins
ENT and diagnostic pathways presentation slides
Vocal pathologies and diagnostics presentation 2023 - 2hrs
Vocal pathology and diagnostic presentation slides
Muscle Tension Dysphonia Learning Resource
Structural Laryngeal Pathologies Learning Resource
Neuromuscular Laryngeal Disorders Learning Resource
Inflammatory Laryngeal Conditions Learning Resource
Psychogenic Voice Disorders Learning Resource
Laryngeal Pathology and Diagnostics Quiz
ENT treatments and interventions guide - 2023
The autonomic nervous system and its impact on voice presentation - 40 mins
The autonomic nervous system and its impact on voice - presentation slides
Mindfulness and Meditation Resources
Assessing the symptoms, the person and taking a history presentation - 40 mins
Assessing the symptoms, the person and taking a history - Presentation slides 2023
Case history format and prompt questions
Perceptual Voice Assessment Presentation - 40 mins
Perceptual Voice Assessment Presentation Slides 2023
GRBAS Scoring Guidance
Voice Recording 1
Voice Recording 2
Voice Recording 3
Voice Recording 4
Voice Recording 5
Voice Recording 6
Voice Recording 7
Voice Recording 8
GRBAS scores for voice recordings
Acoustic Analysis and Aerodynamics of Voice 2023
Additional Assessments for the Voice Patient 2023
Considerations for Working with Performers - with Lydia Flock - 15 mins
Further learning tasks
Voice case management planning presentation - 1hr
Voice case management planning - Presentation Slides 2023
Voice Case Management - Prioritisation Task
Case management Further learning tasks - 2023
Educating about how the voice works
Part 1 - Education, advice and wellbeing presentation - 60 mins
Part 2 - Education, advice and well-being presentation - 60 mins
Indirect therapy - education, voice and upper airway advice - Presentation slides 2023
Gaviscon Advance Factfile
Recommending Singing Lessons, with Lydia Flock
Using psychological techniques in voice therapy - 1hr 15 mins
Using psychological techniques in voice therapy - presentation slides 2023
Breath and Body presentation - 1hr 15 mins
Breathing and Relaxation Resources
Breath and Body presentation slides - 2023
Part 1 - Voice therapy exercises presentation - 1hr 15mins
Part 2 - Voice therapy exercises presentation - 30mins
Voice therapy exercises - presentation slides 2023
Selecting the appropriate therapy technique
Voice exercise demonstrations and videos
VoiceFit voice exercise instruction sheets 2023
Treatment Case Studies & Learning Tasks 2023
From assessment to treatment - a case example - 2023
Supporting people through treatment and change presentation - 1hr 15mins
Supporting people in treatment and change - Presentation Slides 2023
When is a patient ready for discharge?
Case presentation - 2023
The evidence base - voice research reference guide - Updated November 2023
Voice skills CPD planning
Contributor Video - Lydia Hart & Stephen King 'Help, Ive got a voice problem'
Contributor Video - Kristie Knickerbocker from ATEMPO Voice Centre
Contributor Video - Lydia Flock
Contributor Video - Joshua Alamu - Vocal Tubes®
Course Completion Certificate
A goodbye and thank you note
The course can be completed all in one go over a few days. However, i would encourage therapists to dip in and out of it, especially if working alongside a caseload. You have access to the course materials for six months from the date of purchase. Many of the documents and resources are also downloadable to keep.
Yes it is. Although it is useful to have a voice clinical caseload to build experience alongside studying this course it is not essential. The course provides both theoretical training, skills training and practical tasks. So if you have an interest in developing your voice skills at any stage of your career, this course is for you!
I would advise that you wait until you have graduated before enrolling on this course and view this course as part of your continuing professional development.
Yes, absolutely. SLTAs have completed this course to enhance their voice knowledge and skills to help them support the people they are working with. It would be very important in this instance to have a clinical voice specialist in your workplace supporting your voice development.
You can contact Tor Spence at any point whilst studying the course to ask questions by emailing [email protected]. You are encouraged to join the Facebook group VoiceFit to Practise, a closed group for those enrolled on the course to ask questions of Tor and other course delegates.
No refunds are offered once the course has been purchased. If your situation changes and you need longer than 6 months to complete the course please contact Tor to discuss this.
Tor Spence